Hi All: Barbara Jones, Mrs. Grace and I arrived in Oberhausen on schedule and, after a short break at the hotel, we went to have curry wurst with french fries at the Rathaus Grill. After a meeting at the LVR-Industriemuseum to chat about the Building a Transatlantic Bridge project with Burkhardt and Stephanie, and a tour of the heavy industry exhibit in the former zinc factory, we traveled to Dortmund, where we visited the Hansa coking plant. Despite gale force winds and sideways rain, Burkhardt gave us a quick tour and after dinner in an old mill, we went back to Hansa to see the NewLanders play. The concert was held in the former workers' locker room. Instead of lockers as we know them, though, the workers put their clothes in buckets that they could then raise to the very high ceiling. Each worker had a unique key to his own bucket. All the buckets are still on the ceiling.
Tomorrow, we visit one of the schools and have the closing celebration "Thanksgiving is Coming." I'll write more then. Aufwiedersehen!
Those buckets are really cool.